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Showing posts from February, 2024

Homa Bay prayer that left Ruto, Waiguru and Wanga laughing

  President William Ruto, Governors Anne Waiguru (Kirinyaga) and Gladys Wanga (Homa Bay) were on Tuesday left in stitches after a pastor made a prayer loaded with heavy English vocabulary. President Ruto joined Governors and other leaders at the Homa Bay International Investment Conference. The three-day event began on February 27  and will end on Thursday, February 29. It aims to draw both international and local investors to tap into the county's investment potential.  Before the event began, Pastor Raphael Obego was called to the podium to bless the function with a prayer. He kicked off his prayer in a conventional manner before infusing heavy English words that won the attention of dignitaries present. "King of Kings and Lord of Lords, he who dwells in the heavenly abode. Hallowed be thy name today and forever more," Obego began the prayer. He went on: "It has behoved you to spare our lives, thus bringing us this far. We are gathered here for this conglomeration.

Villavicencio murder 'planned from jail' by Los Lobos gang - prosecutors

Prosecutors investigating the murder of Ecuadorean presidential candidate Fernando Villavicencio say his assassination was planned from jail. They have asked for six suspects - five Ecuadoreans and one Colombian - to be charged in connection with the murder. Villavicencio, 59, was shot dead as he was leaving a campaign rally in the capital, Quito, days before the presidential election in August 2023. He had denounced the influence of gangs and promised to tackle them. In the weeks leading up to the election, the politician had received death threats and been given a security detail. But he continued to campaign and was gunned down by a group of assailants on 9 August outside a school in the north of Quito. In a court hearing on Tuesday, Prosecutor Ana Hidalgo described how the investigation had unfolded. She said that the gunman who is believed to have fired the fatal shot was himself killed in a shoot-out with police after Villavicencio's assassination. With the help of CCTV foota

Family of woman attacked with hot water demands justice

A family in Naivasha is seeking justice after their daughter was attacked by hot water and later stabbed in the abdomen by the husband following a domestic row. The mother of two was left for dead with part of her internal organs hanging out during the incident in Kayole estate along the Nairobi-Nakuru highway. The husband, said to be a former AP officer and now working with the Nakuru County government, has since gone into hiding with allegations that he was threatening the victim’s family. This came as Gender Based activists raised their concern over an upsurge in cases of domestic violence in the town with informal settlements being the most affected. According to the victim Pauline Wanjiku, they had family differences with the husband before he turned against her, leaving her for dead. Speaking from her hospital bed, she narrated how the county enforcement worker arrived home drunk, boiled water and without provocation splashed it on her. “I turned and the water caught me on the ba

The Iranian women risking jail with daily act of defiance

  Azad, Donya and Bahareh don't know each other. But the three women - whose names we've changed for their own safety - share a fierce determination to resist Iran's theocratic government, and the dress codes it has imposed on women and girls for 45 years. So, every day, they head out of their homes in the capital Tehran - without covering their hair - despite the potential risks. "It's very scary," 20-year-old music student Donya tells me over an encrypted app. "Because they can arrest you any minute and fine you. Or torture you with lashes. The usual penalty if you're arrested is 74 lashes." Last month, a 33-year old Kurdish-Iranian activist, Roya Heshmati, made public that she'd been given 74 lashes after posting a photograph of herself unveiled. But Donya, Azad and Bahareh say there is, for them, no going back. "It is symbolic," says Donya. "Because it is the regime's key to suppressing women in Iran. If this is the onl

Drama in Naivasha as two men F**k each other publicly in bar

  There was drama in Naivasha after residents caught two men were caught making out in one of the bars in their area. The irate members of the public attacked them seriously injuring one of them before well-wishers came to their rescue. Trouble started after the duo who were enjoying their drink in the bar on Tuesday evening started fondling to the anger of the revellers who watched in awe as the ‘romance’ unfolded. According to a witness Paul Mwaura, the incident left those drinking in the bar seething with anger as the two lovers continued fondling. Mwaura added that things got out of hand when one of the men decided to unzip his partner forcing the revellers to intervene. “The two who were drunk and decided to make out and irate members of the public threw them out of the bar before seriously beating them,” he said. He added that in the last couple of months, the number of LBGTQ couples in the town had risen sharply with those involved using the Airbnb houses. “One of the man is mar

Police seize 72 guns from French film star's home

  French police have seized 72 firearms and more than 3,000 rounds of ammunition from the home of screen legend Alain Delon. A shooting range was also found at the actor's home in Douchy-Montcorbon, about 135km (84 miles) south of Paris. Prosecutors said Mr Delon did not have a permit to allow him to own a gun. The actor, 88, was a star of the golden era of French cinema, known for his tough-guy persona on screen in hits like The Samurai and Borsalino. The search on Tuesday was ordered after a court-appointed official sent to Mr Delon's home noticed a weapon and alerted a judge. The star has been in poor health in recent years after having a stroke in 2019 and suffering from another serious condition, unnamed in French media. The breakdown of his family has also been making headlines in France. His three children have laid their mutual grievances before the media in a series of insults, accusations, lawsuits and secret recordings. The latest legal exchanges were over Mr Delon&#

Prince Harry loses High Court challenge over UK security protection

  Prince Harry has lost a High Court challenge against the government over the level of his security protection when he is in the UK. The Duke of Sussex had been trying to overturn a ruling which saw his security status downgraded after he stopped being a "working royal". His lawyers argued there was unfairness in how the decision was made. The Home Office previously said his security was decided on a case-by-case basis. Back in December, when the challenge was made, Home Office lawyers told the High Court Prince Harry would still have publicly-funded police security, but these would be "bespoke arrangements, specifically tailored to him", rather than the automatic security provided for full-time working royals. Much of the legal proceedings, which covered security arrangements for senior figures, were held in private in December, with the ruling issued by retired High Court judge Sir Peter Lane on Wednesday morning. In the ruling, the court found there had not been

Why South Korean women aren't having babies

  On a rainy Tuesday afternoon, Yejin is cooking lunch for her friends at her apartment, where she lives alone on the outskirts of Seoul, happily single. While they eat, one of them pulls up a well-worn meme of a cartoon dinosaur on her phone. "Be careful," the dinosaur says. "Don't let yourself become extinct like us." The women all laugh. "It's funny, but it's dark, because we know we could be causing our own extinction," says Yejin, a 30-year-old television producer. Neither she, nor any of her friends, are planning on having children. They are part of a growing community of women choosing the child-free life. South Korea has the lowest birth rate in the world, and it continues to plummet, beating its own staggeringly low record year after year. Figures released on Wednesday show it fell by another 8% in 2023 to 0.72. This refers to the number of children a woman is expected to have in her lifetime. For a population to hold steady, that numb