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Showing posts from January, 2024


 JOHN   MATARA was Polite, Humble and Religious Man   John Matara is being investigated for allegedly being a serial sexual offender who assaults  his  victims. News of Matara's crimes shocked his neighbors  at Kahawa West and his  childhood  friends in Kisii County. Halima Makena described the man being treated as the main suspect behind socialite  Starlet  Wahu's murder as humble religious Man. Apart from the murder case, Matara is also being investigated for allegedly being a serial  killer  targeting female victims. However, his neighbours and childhood friends have described  him as a polite, harmless, and Godfearing man. According to Citizen TV, Halima Makena, a  food vendor near the house Matara was living in at Kahawa West, was shocked after  receiving the news that he was being investigated for murder and other cases of sexual  assault. Halima described Matara as polite and harmless and said that he didn't speak much  when ordering snacks from her. For Halima Maken